Here you can view a sample of before and after photos of Dr. Brandow’s plastic surgery patients.
You will have the opportunity to view many more patient photos in our office when you visit for a consultation. As is the nature of plastic surgery, individual results of plastic surgery vary; these photos are for educational purposes only.
Breast & Body
Breast Lift
Your breasts may begin to lose firmness and definition as you age. Additional factors, such as genetics, pregnancy and breastfeeding may also lead to drooping breasts. Breast lift surgery is designed to tighten the breasts and improve contours. The nipples and surrounding areolas can also be repositioned during your mastopexy for more pronounced results.
Dr. Brandow is a premiere breast lift surgeon, having performed thousands of breast surgery procedures at the Brandow Clinic. He uses the latest mastopexy techniques to achieve personalized results that best fit your individual body type.
Before & After
Breast Lift
Liposuction of Breast Tails
1 Year After
Before & After
Breast Lift
Reduction of the Right Breast (100gms)
Liposuction of Breast Tails
6 Months post-op
Before & After
Breast Lift
Reduction of 50ccs to R Breast
Liposuction to Breast Tails
6 Months After
Before & After
Breast Lift
8 Weeks After
Before & After
Breast Lift
6 Weeks After
Before & After
Breast Lift
Liposuction of Axilla, Breast Tails, & Abdomen (1800ccs of Fat Removed)