Brandow Clinic Plastic Surgery

Boomer Lift™

The Boomer Lift was developed and trademarked by renowned cosmetic surgeon Kirk Brandow, MD FAACS, specifically for the Baby Boomer generation. It is an ideal choice for patients who do not want or need a traditional facelift, but want to tighten their jowl, neck and jaw line.

What is Boomer Lift™

The Boomer Lift is a more customized and targeted approach for the busy lifestyle of the Baby Boomer generation – one that is redefining the concept of aging. This procedure is less invasive, less expensive and requires less downtime than a full facelift with no visible scarring.

Surgical Aesthetics- Boomer Lift Article, September/October 2013

Who is a candidate for the Boomer Lift™?

  • Patients who are happy with their ‘filler’ regiments (Juvederm, Restyln, etc.), but have noticed loose skin on their neck and jaw line.
  • Patients who are afraid of the appearance or stigma of a scar in front of the ear (which is visible when doing a full facelift), and would like their neck and jaw line tightened with minimal downtime and scarring.
  • Patients who may have already had a full facelift, but have begun to notice recurrent sagging and aging in their neck and jowls while their face still looks good.
  • Patients who would prefer a ‘two stage’ approach, where the neck and jaw line procedure is performed first-then returning within 6-12 months to do your facial fillers.
  • Patients who are male and worried of visible scarring in front of the ear. Perfect, because no visible scarring.
  • Patients in their late sixties and seventies who do not want to change their faces, but would like to tighten the loose skin under the chin, neck and jowls without having a full facelift.

Intended Results

The Boomer Lift has been specifically designed to tighten the jowl, jaw line and neck without creating a scar. Selected patients who have had good results from fillers and do not want or need a facelift will see significant, long-term improvement with less downtime and scarring.

Boomer Lift Procedure Description

The Boomer Lift takes 2-3 hours for Dr. Brandow to perform in our state of the art Surgi-Center under deep sedation.

The procedure begins with liposuction of the neck and followed by tightening of the neck bands under the chin area. An incision is made at the bottom of the ear and carried up the back of the ear and into the hairline. The skin is tightened behind the ear and a drain is placed to prevent bleeding overnight. A head dressing is placed over the head and face for the night and patients will generally stay in a local hotel with our overnight nurse.

Recuperation and Healing

  • The drain will be removed the next day and patients can shower and wash their hair on the second day. Usually a headband is used for 2-3 days after surgery.
  • Minimal initial discomfort is controlled with pain medication.
  • Day 2, we encourage rest and minimal activity
  • Day 4, one can drive and return to light activity at home.
  • Discoloration is usually limited to 5-7 days and is usually gone within two weeks.
  • Flesh colored dis solvable sutures are placed in visible areas under the chin and at the bottom of the earlobe. These will dissolve by themselves and do not need to be removed. The remaining stitches behind the ear are remove in 10 days.
  • Patients will have a specialized lymphatic drainage procedure performed at the end of the first postoperative week and at the end of the second week
  • Patients generally return to work in 6-7 days after surgery.Full healing usually takes 4-6 weeks and one should allow this time to recover before an important event.
  • Patients may resume full exercise regimen by the third to fourth week.

Other Complimentary Options to Enhance

Additional procedures that would enhance the “Boomer Lift™” are facial fillers:

  • FAT TRANSPLANT: Many patients benefit from the use of their own body’s fat which can be transplanted into their laugh lines, frown lines, marionette lines, lower eyelid margins and cheeks.
  • FILLERS (Juvederm/Restyln): Fine lines around the lips can be more accurately treated with the use of the (Hyaluronic acid) fillers. These products can be used during surgery to avoid the discomfort of injections in the office as well as limit the swelling seen with larger volume fat transplants.
  • SKIN PEELS AND LASER RESURFACING: Combinations of laser peels and chemical peels can be used in conjunction with The Boomer Lift. Depending on the nature of the patients skin, we will combine or use individually: The Obaji Blue Peel, The Erbium Peel and /or CO2 laser resurfacing.
  • EYELID AND BROW SURGERY: We will often combine an eyelid and/or brow lift with The Boomer Lift.

, FAT TRANSPLANTATION and chemical or laser skin peels.

Insurance Guidelines

The “Boomer Lift™” procedure is considered cosmetic and therefore not covered by insurance. However, we do offer Care Credit.