PRP Injections for Hair Loss

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Dr. Brandow recently attended a symposium in Boston, MA on PRP Injections for Hair Loss, Thinning and Regrowth without the use of transplants with Dr. Rapaport, the pioneer in this field.  Studies have shown that PRP injections can restore hair follicles that have stopped growing in certain areas in both men and women.  Dr. RApaport led a hands on training that allowed attendees to experience the proper way to inject patients to ensure an amazing result for the stimulation of hair regrowth.  There were many takeaways from this seminar, but Dr. Brandow believes that it takes 3 treatments spaced 1 month apart from each other to see ideal results, followed by a maintenance treatment every 4 months to promote the continued growth of the new hair follicles. See below for an article quoting Dr. Rapaport on PRP for hair loss, as well as a link to an article on the topic, here.